When you work with the Serendipit Consulting PR team, we become your brand’s storytelling specialist. We tell the media what makes you unique, innovative and why you’re the go-to expert in your industry. Our goal is to get you an array of media wins including TV segments, magazine articles, etc. We do whatever it takes to make you famous!

Unsure of what sets these four mediums apart? Here are the benefits of each:


TV is a compelling, visual channel and a popular PR option among brands seeking publicity because anyone who watches it can immediately see the benefit of your product or service. Here are the two main options:

Taped segment: A TV interview that is recorded and aired at a later time.


  • Reporters tend to take their time in telling your story
  • They ask you more in-depth questions and give you time to elaborate on your key messages
  • The camera crew takes footage called b-roll, which is used to put together a solid segment
  • Segment can air multiple times throughout the day and sometimes several days after

Live segment: A TV interview that airs as it’s being filmed, i.e. breaking news is always live. 


  • Segments air immediately
  • You can control the message you want to share by sticking to your talking points
  • Segments can also air multiple times thereafter


When done correctly, a direct response radio PR campaign can yield profitable new customers and incredible ROI. Radio is often one of the most cost effective and time efficient options among PR mediums.  Below are the two preeminent choices:

Taped segment: An interview that is recorded in studio/over the phone and aired at a later time


  • You have a chance to speak with the host prior and be prepared for potential questions
  • You have extra time to elaborate on your answers, potentially leading to more air time
  • Your interview can air multiple times  

Live segment: A radio interview that airs as it’s being recorded


  • Depending on the show, you can take live calls and answer listeners’ questions
  • You can talk a bit more about your brand through relevant questions


While many of brands are moving to the internet to reach their audience, print media still holds many benefits. Let's take a closer look at print advertising and some of the advantages it has for your business:

Article: A reporter will conduct either an in-person or phone interview for a feature


  • The interview is short, lasting about 15-20 minutes depending on the topic
  • During the interview you can dive deeper into answering the reporter’s questions   
  • The feature is written by the reporter and published
  • Depending on the reporter, he/she may let you check the article for accuracy prior to publishing

Byline/contributed article: You write the article to be submitted to the editor for publication


  • You have complete control over your message
  • Once the article is submitted, depending on the publication, it can be posted/published that day or week    


Any of the media wins above can be posted online through the publication/TV station’s website at their discretion. Some TV stations will post either the full segment or a portion of the segment on their website, while others may only post a brief description if anything at all. If a magazine is an e-edition, you can expect it to be posted online, either a few days or a week after the print version is distributed. Articles that are for trade or newspapers may only be posted online and never in their print version.


  • Online media wins can live even longer when blasted out via social media
  • They can be found more often through Google searches
  • You can link to each media win on your website, making you a credible expert to prospective clients

Looking to get your brand in front of your audience with the right type of media coverage? Then give us a call today at (602) 283-5209 or shoot us an email: info@serendipitconsulting.com and we’ll create a cohesive PR strategy unique to your company’s needs and situation.