Benefits of Securing Contributed Articles for Your Company

In the Public Relations world, there are several different types of media opportunities that can increase brand awareness. Some are obvious: TV segments and huge print articles in national publications like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, etc. The not so obvious online articles and contributed articles can appear in print as well as online, or both. Contributed articles are a great way of getting articles published online and have a few benefits over a media interview. Following our Public Relations expertise will get you and your brand to love contributed articles and look forward to writing them. 

You Control the Message

Although much work can go into contributed articles, you or your PR firm are creating the content based on your expertise on the subject. These types of PR allow you to control your message and precisely what you want to say on the topic. Unlike interviews with reporters who choose what does and doesn’t make it into their story, contributed articles are posted as-is in publications, as long as it follows the editorial guidelines. 

Some of these guidelines include:

  1. The article must be written in the third person – there can be a few exceptions to this rule if it’s an opinion piece, etc.
  2. The article must be non-promotional – meaning you can mention your business name only once in a shorter article, and at most twice in a longer piece.
  3. The article needs to be informational for the publication’s audience. This rule is similar to the previous guideline about being non-promotional. The publication is looking for content that isn’t looking to sell a service or product but provides information of value to its readers. 

Each publication has its own set of guidelines that they’ll send over. As long as these are followed, the editor might tweak your content slightly for style, or leave it as-is. However, for the most part, your messaging and expertise on the subject will be published online or in print. Here is an example of one of Serendipit’s recently published contributed articles.

Furthers You as an Industry Expert/Thought Leader

All positive media placements further you as a thought leader and industry expert. However, the benefit of contributed articles is that your name is attached to it as the author. Getting articles published online under your name can do wonders for your brand as well. As people search for you and your business, not only will your business, LinkedIn account, and others show up, so will articles you have written, giving you more clout.  

Serendipit has been featured in numerous publications. See more examples here.

Another thing to consider that increases your brand awareness and furthers you as a thought leader is becoming an ongoing contributor to, let’s say Forbes or Inc. Magazine. Part of the application process is sharing your published work and other contributed articles you’ve had published. It’s a great way to show your expertise and your writing skills.

Guarantees Your Brand will be Included

Last but not least, a contributed article guarantees your brand will be in the article, which in turn helps your goal of increased brand awareness. A great example is an article written by our VP of Marketing Alexis Krisay for Builder Magazine, which reached more than 140K people. Even if the article itself doesn’t mention your business, your bio does. Your name and title are included in the byline right under the headline. 

In today’s media landscape, contributed articles are becoming more of the new norm. As publications decrease their newsroom and editorial staff, they don’t have the time to conduct interviews with sources and write articles. Offering to write content for them to use in their publications provides a win-win situation for the publication and you as a business owner. The next time your PR firm brings you a contributed article opportunity, think of all the benefits that come with this media win and GO FOR IT.


In need of a great PR firm to secure contributed articles for your business? Get in touch with Serendipit. Our PR services and strategies can help heighten consumer awareness and media recognition for your brands and products.

Written By: Sabrina, Senior PR Account Executive