What Facebook Business Manager Is and Why You Should Be Using It

We get asked a lot about Facebook Business Manager -- what it is and why a business would ever need it. Many companies tend to avoid using Business Manager altogether due to the significant technical aspect of the platform. So let's suppose you don't have a Facebook Business Manager account. You are missing out on many benefits of using Facebook Business Manager that can help elevate your Facebook marketing.

First things first, what is Facebook Business Manager? As stated by Facebook, "Business Manager allows advertisers to manage their marketing efforts in one place and share access to assets across their team, partner agencies, and vendors." Simply put, it allows you to manage everything in one place. Agencies are the typical users of Facebook Business Manager accounts due to their nature of working with many clients. However, as businesses grow, they often establish more Facebook pages and work with more agencies. Utilizing a Facebook Business Manager account, allows you to manage your business pages and FB ads. You can also provide access to assets to partner agencies, set up your Facebook Pixel, and more -- all from one place.

Now that we understand what the platform does, what are the benefits of using Facebook Business Manager?

Access To A Variety of Tools and Assets

Once you create a Facebook Business Manager account, you can access various free marketing and analytic tools and assets. To name a few:

  • Facebook Ads Manager Account: Create and manage your Facebook ad campaigns
  • Events Manager: Access your Facebook Pixel to analyze event behavior on your website
  • Audiences: Create audience segments to utilize as targeting in ad campaigns
  • Attribution: Receive data on what ads are driving conversions 

Using the information you collect and the Business Manager tools, you can plan campaigns, analyze results, and optimize more effectively.

No Need To Use A Fake Facebook Account

Many businesses have resorted to creating fake accounts with a shared login for staff to keep personal profiles and clients' Facebook assets separate. However, this is a violation of Facebook's terms of services. Facebook has been disabling fake accounts and blocking companies from accessing their pages and ad accounts. With a Facebook Business Manager account, you can assign your staff different access levels to those assets without having a personal profile being an admin.

Receive Better Support From Facebook

With a Business Manager account, Facebook Support will provide more in-depth help since they will be able to access the data and information tied to your account. Suppose you have questions about billing or ad policies. In that case, Business Manager will get you one step closer to diagnosing your problem as they can quickly access your account.

If you've made it to the end of this post and haven't created a Facebook Business Manager account yet, why wait? Create one today and start elevating your Facebook marketing with all the tools and assets Business Manager has to offer! Not sure where to go once you’ve created a Facebook Business Manager account? Get in touch with Serendipit and we’ll take it off your hands