The Ruler Brand Archetype

What are brand archetypes? We’re so glad you asked! Building a brand story that sticks with your target audience is easier said than done. In order to learn how to use brand archetypes to create an authentic brand that resonates with your customers, you first need to understand how archetypes work

Brand Archetypes Explained

First, each of the twelve brand archetypes' meanings and traits forms a very distinct personality style. Some people and brands have a clear-cut archetype and rarely stray from it, making them predictable and consistent in messaging and style. However, building a brand story is rarely a cut and dried process. There are nuances and traits that cross over from one archetype to another - just like people. That’s where the Serendipit magic happens. 

Just like people, most brands are complex beings that can’t be categorized by ticking a single identifier box unless it’s labeled “It’s complicated.” That’s why many of the brands we develop are so often a custom mix of 2-3 primary archetypes. Our highly-experienced brand development team carefully selects traits from each primary archetype chosen during our proprietary Brand Workshops, then seamlessly blends them together to form a unique personality and archetype that fits the aspirational vision of the brand. We call it the Serendipit ‘secret sauce’ - no generic ketchup or mayo involved. We create just the right amount of spice blends to flavor each custom mix. Let’s take a look at the next Archetype in our series: The Ruler.

The RULER Brand Archetype


Manager, Organizer, Productive, Take Charge Attitude, Responsible, Efficient, Confident, Role Model


Rulers know that the best thing to do to avoid chaos is to take control. Rulers are dominant acting, with a strong sense of responsibility, stability, and control. They love creating order and structure. 


Control & Prosperity


Stability & Control




Rise above the rest.


Ruler brands are often connected to wealth and success; they’re politically savvy and well connected. Rulers tend to be high-end on the brand scale. Luxury and exclusivity are a given.


Rolls Royce, ROLEX, American Express, Mercedes Benz, Cristal 


Do You Identify with the Ruler Brand Archetype?

Unsure where to start when building a brand story or which archetype best suits your brand? Let our brand development experts at Serendipit help you out. Get in touch today, and we’ll help you find your brand identity! We know how to build a strong brand – just take a look for yourself!