Paid Media

<span><a class="service-page-redirect" href="">Paid Search Advertising</a></span> | <span><a class="service-page-redirect" href="">Programmatic Media</a></span> | <span><a class="service-page-redirect" href="">Social Media Advertising</a></span> | <span><a class="service-page-redirect" href="">Traditional & OOH Advertising</a></span>

Programmatic Media

To put it in 21st century terms, “programmatic” media is essentially using machines to help advertisers buy ad space — it utilizes data insights and algorithms to serve advertisements to the right user at the right time, and at the right price.

<span class="crimson-para">Why is it important? </span>

Programmatic advertising typically refers to the use of <span class="crimson-para">automated software</span> to purchase digital advertising (site and mobile app banners, digital video, native, etc.) as opposed to the more tedious traditional process which requires quite a bit more time, specifically when it comes to requests for proposals (RPFs), manual insertions of the orders (IOs) and human negotiations.

You can see how this method might be slow and inefficient.

This gives our paid media specialists more time to put toward optimizing our client’s accounts, identifying and testing different ways to target audiences, and testing different ad copy and creative to produce winning ad placements.

Thankfully, only one of us really needs to know what all that means! And we do.

Paid Social Media Advertising

With paid social advertising, you’re investing in <span class="crimson-para">qualified leads and increased sales.</span>

The Serendipit digital team uses sponsored content or advertising to help you increase your brand’s presence and exposure to new desired audiences who might otherwise be missing you online.

Paid social advertising programs can benefit your brand and help <span class="crimson-para">create meaningful interactions</span> for your social consumers.

You do want to create meaningful interactions for your social consumers, don’t you?

Traditional Marketing & Out Of Home (OOH)

Traditional marketing refers to really any type of unplugged marketing. This means print, broadcast, direct mail, phone and out-of-home (OOH) advertising.

Simply stated, OOH advertising is any visual advertising media that can be found offline and outside of a consumer’s home. Traditionally this includes anything from billboards, bus shelters, benches and everything in-between.

Paid social advertising programs can benefit your brand and help <span class="crimson-para">create meaningful interactions</span> for your social consumers.

<span class="crimson-para">If it’s beyond your front door, it’s in good hands with Serendipit. </span>

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