Pros and Cons of Sending Your News Through the Wire

Experienced public relations professionals know that there is still great value in a well-written press release. However, there are some contrasting opinions regarding the best ways to distribute a release. Some PR pros swear by sending press releases through the newswire, and others say it’s old news-- so which is it? When your valuable time and money are at stake, it’s essential to know when to use the newswire and when to send out your press release another way. 

What is a newswire?

A newswire is a subscription service used by PR professionals to distribute press releases to thousands of media outlets at once. Today, releases will also post to search engines, relevant websites, news feeds, and blogs. Many sites are programmed to automatically share a press release whenever it contains specific keywords related to that particular website. Finally, the release will post to general news sites like Google News and Yahoo News. 

Utilizing the wire does not guarantee that a news outlet will publish your piece. It doesn’t ensure that a journalist will even read or open your release. However, when used strategically, the wire can increase your chances of garnering major coverage. If you do snag a win in a media outlet, the publication will likely publish the press release as-is. It’s rare for a journalist to reach out to do interviews and write a whole new story. Some of the most popular press release newswire services include PRNewswire, BusinessWire, and PRWeb.

When should you use it?

Knowing when to send a press release through the wire is crucial to saving yourself time and money. The wire is flooded with stories and topics every day. To stand out, focus your energy on creating newsworthy stories relevant to a broader audience. Newswire press releases that achieve major success are the stories that interest, impact, and have relevance for a national audience. 

Stories you should send through the wire: 

  • National campaign launches
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Major financial deals

When should you ditch it?

If your story has a hyperlocal focus, it’s unlikely you’ll find success with a newswire press release. Instead, local interest stories should be pitched to your local media publications directly, rather than wasting time and money on the wire. 

Stories you should not send through the wire: 

  • Events 
  • Grand openings
  • New hires

Other forms of distribution

Don’t rely on the newswire to get your press releases out there. There are plenty of different ways to spread your story that are cheaper, more reliable, and just as effective. You can find great success in pitching a story to an editor or specific journalist in a few quick sentences over an email. Get straight to the point with your pitch and grab their attention right away. If necessary for the story, you can include your press release in the email for reference. You can also post your press release to your company’s website to boost your SEO and bring in new users. Need another mode of communication? Try sharing your press release through your email newsletter, guaranteeing that your news will hit an audience that will care about your story. 

Being PR savvy means knowing when, where and how to share your news to gain more favorable coverage to boost your overall brand awareness and reputation. Each press release is unique and requires different distribution tactics to get the most coverage. Just because one press release achieved success on the newswire does not mean the next one will. Being versatile in your communication strategy is vital for PR achievement.  

Need help?

If you’re looking to gain significant media attention for your brand, our team of experienced PR professionals can help you get noticed. Give us a call today at (602) 833-2524 or shoot us an email: and we’ll work together to ensure your story gets out there.