Most business leaders are hungry for brand awareness and media coverage, however, understanding the appropriate strategies to obtain coverage is the true key to success. One of PRs most common myths is that distributing a press release is the easiest way to gain media coverage -- that is where you’re mistaken. Consistently sending press releases to editors and producers will most likely either get your email deleted or it’ll be sent to spam automatically.

Although there is certainly a time and place for press releases (no, they’re not dead), there is an alternative way to get the coverage you want -- a media pitch.

The Media Pitch

Mostly done through email however sometimes via phone, gives a quick snapshot of a topic you’re an expert on and offers you as the expert source for a story. Sending a pitch is a great way to add spunk and personality to the content, catering it towards a specific hot topic or outlet. Quick, simple and to the point is what piques the media’s attention -- quite the opposite of what a press release is used for. If you do not necessarily have an announcement or newsworthy information, however, you want to contribute to a hot news topic, using a media pitch is your best option.

The Press Release

As mentioned, there is certainly a time and place for press releases.  Press releases serve as an excellent way to share announcements, events or newsworthy information relating to a business. With that being said, the information that the release contains must be relevant to who you’re sending it to and always keep in mind the outlet's audience. For example, a lifestyle magazine isn’t going to pick up a new hire announcement.

Want to garner more coverage and notice the press release isn’t doing it for you? Our PR experts can change it up. Contact Serendipit today, and we’ll set up a time to discuss other ways your business can benefit from unique and effective PR strategies to build your brand awareness.