What Your Real Estate Brand Colors Are Saying

Color theory is a crucial aspect of real estate branding, as it can help differentiate your brand from others. For years, the industry has been dominated by three colors—blue, red, and black. The question is, should you follow these trends or dare to be different? 

Blue is the number one used color for precisely the same reasons as healthcare and banks: the color blue is associated with credibility, trust, knowledge, power, professionalism, cleanliness, calm, and focus. These are all wonderful qualities for a real estate professional, but they can also make your brand blend into a sea of similar brands competing for the same business in the same markets. 

The second most used color is red, another common trait shared by healthcare companies and banks. In contrast to the professionalism and relative calm of blue, red is the color of the rulers, strength, bravery, and excitement. If you want to give a  “take charge and get it done” type of energy, red is the natural choice. Red also subconsciously signals to STOP and look, which is why it’s the primary color on most “for sale” signs. We’ll often see red combined with either blue or black to combine desired traits. 

For firms that deal in exclusive, luxury, and top-dollar listings, we tend to see more black, grey, metallic silver, and gold. Black is the color of elegance, sophistication, power, and luxury. With the right logo mark and design, these colors can work beautifully, but a poorly designed logo can scream “poser!” instead of conveying the white glove elegance and luxury experience it’s meant to convey.

While you might see occasional splashes of bright oranges or other colors, these three colorways overwhelm the industry. It’s clear that every tutorial on how to build a real estate brand must be prefaced with “Make the logo blue, so your brand looks credible and trustworthy. Stick to black and white if you’re selling the pricey homes. Either way, add some red so you give take-charge vibes.” These choices blend together in a sea of homogenized sameness…with little to set it apart from the competition in a field characterized by its fierce competition. 

Understanding color theory and the creative choices that are available begins with color psychology—the science and art of how color affects us. Here are some common examples of the moods and feelings that can be conveyed using different colors:

  • Blue = peaceful or trust
  • Red = passionate or important
  • Yellow = happy or caution
  • Green = nature or wealth
  • Black = serious or elegant
  • Purple = royalty or power
  • Orange= optimism or enthusiasm 

Understanding color psychology is a powerful tool in brand building. By experimenting with different hues and combinations, you can create unique opportunities to stand out in a crowded market. Just make sure it’s authentic to how you bring your brand to life in the client experience. 

Want to learn more about understanding color theory or the intricacies of color theory for branding? Click here or here.